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    CNTY: Note by the Board of Directors on the Subject of the Transaction does not Have any Circumstances under which it Shall Not Participate in any Major Asset Reorganization of a Listed Company

    CNTY: Note by the Board of Directors on the Subject of the Transaction does not Have any Circumstances under which it Shall Not Participate in any Major Asset Reorganization of a Listed Company under Article 13 of the Interim Provisions on Strengthening Supervision of Abnormal Stock Transactions Related to Major Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies

    中國天楹:董事會(huì )關(guān)于本次交易相關(guān)主體不存在《關(guān)于加強與上市公司重大資產(chǎn)重組相關(guān)股票異常交易監管的暫行規定》第十三條不得參與任何上市公司重大資產(chǎn)重組情形的說(shuō)明

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