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    Nantong Tianhong Actively Responds to “Plum Rain” Season

    This year’s “plum rain” season arrives as usual, with continuous rainy days and heavy precipitation, causing great inconvenience to people's lives. As the guardian of the urban environment, Nantong Tianhong has actively taken measures to deal with the flood season.

    Raise awareness: Nantong Tianhong has increased inspection efforts, strictly implemented the shift-working system, and asked employees to send out meteorological disaster warnings at first notice of danger, making sure safety precautions and countermeasures are in place to properly deal with emergencies in a timely manner.

    Prevent risks: Nantong Tianhong has arranged for special checks on flood control products; carried out self-checks on key areas (low-lying road, flood-prone areas) to take precautionary measures; deployed road sweepers and street washers to clean up the main roads and streets within the service scope; manual cleaning of the rainwater wells and sewers were also carried out to ensure a smooth flow of rain water; sewage suction trucks were deployed to extract septic tanks to prevent sewage overflows.

    Quick response: In order to ensure a clean road surface and restore normal traffic, Nantong Tianhong immediately organized staff to carry out inspections and cleaned up floodwater and sludge from the roads. Sanitation workers used brooms, shovels to remove the mud, fallen leaves and broken tree branches from the curbs and roadside greenbelts. When encountering heavy rainstorms, workers would clean up the waste brought by floods around manholes on the roads and at the same time open the manhole covers to reduce surface runoff.


    Opening manhole cover


    Removing surface mud


    Removing surface rainwater

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