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    Going Green and Protecting the Environmental - Kindergarten Teachers and Students Visit the Hai’an Waste-to-Energy Plant

    At the beginning of the summer vacation, under the guidance of their teachers and parents, the children of the Tongrui Kindergarten in Hai’an visited China Tianying’s  Hai’an Waste-to-Energy Plant. Through the theme activity "Going Green and Protecting the Environmental", the children experienced the wonderful journey of turning waste into treasure and learned about rich environmental protection knowledge.

    Under the guidance of the teachers and plant staff, the children visited the plant's sand table, knowledge corridor, control room, and garbage crane operation room. Through watching environmental sand paintings, they gained a preliminary understanding of the entire process and related knowledge principles of waste incineration and power generation. During the visit, through interaction and communication with teachers and staff, the children also enhanced their knowledge of garbage classification. At the end of the activity, the plant invited the children to create paintings with environmental protection as the theme, and after framing the artwork, displayed it in the exhibition area.

    Popularizing and educating environmental protection knowledge is one of the important social responsibilities undertaken by China Tianying's waste incineration project. The summer vacation is an important time window for enhancing environmental education for children. China Tianying's various projects actively carry out related preparatory work, provide high-quality visiting and educational platforms for teachers and students, advocate green concepts, sow the seeds of environmental protection, cultivate the next generation with a sense of sustainable development, promote the environmental protection and green development process of the entire society, and fulfill the social responsibility of environmental protection enterprises with practical actions.


    Hai’an Waste-to-Energy Plant

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