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    Plasma Melting/Gasification

    Adhering to the philosophy of “independent innovation and upholding excellence”, we have developed a comprehensive plasma technique for resource recovery which can solve the problem of secondary fly ash, reduce energy consumption, and treat China's high-salinity fly ash. The glass products from this process are of high quality and have passed strict third-party tests as well as meeting the EU 2010 and US EPA 2013 emission standards.

     We are also committed to the creative application of plasma in atomization, melting, gasification and pyrolysis. Our R&D focuses on three fields - environmental protection, energy and advanced manufacturing - and five key areas: fly ash, medical waste, household waste, coal chemicals and metal powders for 3D printing. Currently, the high-end plasma equipment industrial chain has taken shape to make CNTY better positioned to serve people and create value.

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